Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Shut Down your Windows 8 Quickly with This Way

windows 8

Windows 8 is the newest version of Windows Operating System was created by Microsoft. How quickly this OS it is spread in entirely world which it just launched months ago. Sometimes, there are Windows 8 users still strange with operational of this windows. Maybe you (reader this blog) are including in this case. There are different between Windows 8 and the older version in its operational. One of type is about shut down Windows 8.
shut down icon
source: 123rf.com

As we know that windows don’t use start menu any more. So, if you want to shut down this OS you can’t use the same way with older version. Actually, there is a trick how to shut down Windows 8 quickly. How? Here we go:
Push Alt+F4 in your button keyboard. And then, it will show Shutdown Window.
shut down windows 8

Now, choose what do you want; shut down, restart, or stand by.
It is easy and quickly, isn’t it?
Next time I will show you other way to shut down windows 8 quickly. Be patient. :D

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