Wednesday, January 30, 2013

These are the Reasons Why You Should Use Windows 8? These are the Reasons (Part II)

Security in Progress

security windows 8

I am amazed by Microsoft Security Essential. It had been integrated in Windows 8 as part of Windows Defender. It is really unexpected. I remember with rakishness of former Internet Explorer. This security is better than before.
Although Windows Defender was being great, you still can add security third-party software if you think Windows Defender is not enough guarding your computer.
One great thing I think that Microsoft will select application in its Marketplace tightly. Hope happening in Google Play where many applications were contaminated by malware is not happen in Microsoft Windows Marketplace.

Windows to Go

Windows-to-Go can make usual flash disk become bootable flash disk which can directly run Windows 8 Enterprise without installation.

Advanced Boot Options

boot option windows 8

If you use Windows 8 with UEFI supporting computer, this Windows will run faster. It means you don’t need a chance to press [F2], [F8], or [Del] to enter in boot options like you did before.
Advanced Boot Options have made you easier to manage boot manager. If Windows 8 in booting failure.

Faster Boot Times

I like Windows 8 when be installed in UEFI supporting device. It has fast booting (in mine, it need 8 to boot). Of course these speed dependent on resource management on your computer. The biggest influence of speed-booting in Windows 8 is it capable hibernate kernel system when shut down. When rerunning system, session from user before will be resumed.

Restore PC

When your windows performance was getting slow because many installed programs, you can use new feature of Windows 8. It is called “Restore PC”. This feature can backup your document and application. It can make your computer condition same like just reformat and reinstall.

Reset PC

reset pc windows 8

If Restore PC method is not success, it’s time to Reset PC. This feature is very different with Restore PC because it can sweep all of your hard drive and reinstall your PC clearly.
Thorough option is not only delete your data, but also rewrite your data many times, so your data will be safe and you don’t need worry about someone will recover your data.

This is all I know about Windows 8 feature and reasons why I use it. are you interested to try it?

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