Wednesday, January 30, 2013

These are the Reasons Why You Should Use Windows 8? These are the Reasons (Part II)

Security in Progress

security windows 8

I am amazed by Microsoft Security Essential. It had been integrated in Windows 8 as part of Windows Defender. It is really unexpected. I remember with rakishness of former Internet Explorer. This security is better than before.
Although Windows Defender was being great, you still can add security third-party software if you think Windows Defender is not enough guarding your computer.
One great thing I think that Microsoft will select application in its Marketplace tightly. Hope happening in Google Play where many applications were contaminated by malware is not happen in Microsoft Windows Marketplace.

Windows to Go

Windows-to-Go can make usual flash disk become bootable flash disk which can directly run Windows 8 Enterprise without installation.

Advanced Boot Options

boot option windows 8

If you use Windows 8 with UEFI supporting computer, this Windows will run faster. It means you don’t need a chance to press [F2], [F8], or [Del] to enter in boot options like you did before.
Advanced Boot Options have made you easier to manage boot manager. If Windows 8 in booting failure.

Faster Boot Times

I like Windows 8 when be installed in UEFI supporting device. It has fast booting (in mine, it need 8 to boot). Of course these speed dependent on resource management on your computer. The biggest influence of speed-booting in Windows 8 is it capable hibernate kernel system when shut down. When rerunning system, session from user before will be resumed.

Restore PC

When your windows performance was getting slow because many installed programs, you can use new feature of Windows 8. It is called “Restore PC”. This feature can backup your document and application. It can make your computer condition same like just reformat and reinstall.

Reset PC

reset pc windows 8

If Restore PC method is not success, it’s time to Reset PC. This feature is very different with Restore PC because it can sweep all of your hard drive and reinstall your PC clearly.
Thorough option is not only delete your data, but also rewrite your data many times, so your data will be safe and you don’t need worry about someone will recover your data.

This is all I know about Windows 8 feature and reasons why I use it. are you interested to try it?

These are the Reasons Why You Should Use Windows 8? These are the Reasons (Part I)

I think I am little late to explain this case. Why? Because months ago, Windows 8 had been launched and many people in the world have tried Windows 8 performance. But, I think this post is still good information for you.
In this month, I have tried Windows 8 performance and what I catch in using this latest Windows is you should try this. Why? These are the reason you should try this newest Windows from Microsoft.

Live Tiles

Live Tiles Windows 8

Metro interface is awesome. Some innovations in it have made a better change. Like one time when Microsoft give Start menu in the first time in Windows 95. Live Tiles in this Metro is installed application icons that will be showed in your desktop, but it is not like usual icons, Live Tiles will automatically update and make ease of use for you to run tasks. For example; icon mail in Live Tiles can tell you if there is inbox message directly. Good job windows 8!

Sky Drive

Microsoft makes big innovation in Windows 8. We can do the tasks easily in other Windows 8 device like Windows Tablet or other ones if you are not in using your PC. SkyDrive in Windows 8 is solution. You can get your tasks by logging in Windows 8 (Windows Live ID account) and open SkyDrive application. Documents and photos saved in SkyDrive can you access in everywhere and every time. In Windows 8 final release version, SkyDrive become as virtual hard drive in Windows Explorer, so you can manage your documents in cloud drive easily.

Run ISOs without virtual drive

In the previous version, running ISO file is the one which take a long time. Now, In Windows 8, you can open an ISO file with just double click. Image Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) also can run by this method.

New Task Manager

Task Manager Windows 8

Even though this is not a new feature, this Task Manager had been updated in Windows 8 and it is the one good reason why you should use Windows 8. In its dialog box, there are many information that you need to get process has own color, the darker color show that this process get big resource. There are graph that can guide you to detect bottleneck and also you can see application which get connect internet. And you don’t need to call msconfig to open Task Manager because Task Manager Placement can make you get Task Manager easily.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What Should You Consider for Buying Tablet-PC? Part II

tablet-pc buying guide
Source image :


Nowadays, Tablet-PC had been completed by Wi-Fi technology and Bluetooth to get connect with other devices. If we notice about networking, Tablet-PC had been supported by 3G or 4G. It is dependent on specification of that Tablet-PC.
You can get connect in the internet with capability of this gadget. 3G or 4G have reliable speed. One plus in using Tablet-PC is you can get online internet on mobile. Perhaps, you think smartphone also can do it but, if you need comfortable with viewing internet, I prefer you to choose Tablet-PC because of its wide-screen size.


Choose the right Tablet-PC which can handle many running application in this screen. There are some 
Tablet-PCs that have low quality will torment you about performance.
The things which can influence the performance of Tablet-PC; RAM, Processor, Hard Disk, and installed application. You should notice about those things.

Screen Size

screen size of tablet-pc

Screen size of Tablet-PC should become consideration in buying Tablet-PC. Why? Because there are some various screen size Tablet-PC in the world. It is starting on 5 inch up to 10 inch screen size.
What prefer you choose?
It is dependent on your taste. You want Tablet-PC with great mobility and portability? I think 7 inch is enough for you. Or you want to get more comfortable in internet browsing? You need more than 7, is 10 inch good option for you in this case? Only you can answer for yourself.

Unique feature

There are some unique features I concern on Tablet-PC in middle class. It is analog TV and dual SIM. This is innovation that you can make decision whether you go with it or not. I think it is interesting deal which be done by Tablet-PC on middle class to get Tablet-PC market.
Tablet-PC SIM or Non-SIM
Tablet-PC which has SIM card had been embedded on this device can make you to get call by your Tablet-PC and get internet browsing in no hot-spot area. Both of them (SIM and Non-SIM Tablet-PC) mostly have Wi-Fi connection in its feature. So I suggest, Tablet-PC which has SIM card has more function is better option. It will take you if you forget to take your phone. :D
It is up to you and you need, want Tablet-PC SIM or Non-SIM.

After Sales Service

Make sure that you buy Tablet-PC which has service place near on your location. It will be easy to fix if you get problem or troubleshooting about your Tablet-PC.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Shut Down Windows 8 Quickly With Just One Click

shut down icon
source image:

Windows 8 is cool for use, but in the opposite of its powerful, there is minus that we still need to fix it. It is in missing start menu button. If there isn’t start menu button, we need little tricky to shut down the Windows. In previous post I give you a way how to shut down windows quickly by using Alt+F4 and now, this is the other way.
Just download this file in this blog I share. This file will you download don’t need to install. You just extract this file and it will automatically show the shut down windows and click on it to shut down your windows 8.
Happy trying.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What Should You Consider for Buying Tablet-PC? (Part I)

buying tablet-pc
source image:

Tablet-PC is one kind of favorite gadget in the world. Mobile capability and powerful features become own attraction for this gadget. However, nowadays, if you want to buy tablet-PC you should able to consider which the better tablet-PC than the other. Having better in usage also better in price tag.
What should you consider for buying tablet-PC? Here is the answer:

Operating System

Android, iOS, and Windows are the popular operating system (OS) which be used in tablet-PC. So, you must consider what OS you need in your tablet-PC.
android tablet

Android is great choice for your tablet-PC OS, and now, as we know, there is update version in android OS. It is jelly bean. You will get easy of using this OS. With supporting many apps in Google Play app store, it will make you can choose many more application you want to be installed in tablet-PC.
Be careful in downloading application in Google Play. It is little risky. Sometimes, there is application which be embedded by malware. Before download application, you should user reviews first to make sure that what you download is good application.
apple ipad

Apple store is incredible to support application for iPad. Person who have iPad in your hand also refer higher social status. Apple products have luxury sense than the other. Exclusivity in hardware and software is the one basic different which Apple products have. Of course, include iPad.
windows tablet

Windows try to get more profit in tablet-PC market with their newest OS debut. It is Windows 8. Design which be made attempt is for more supporting touch-screen experience. Windows app store which just launched try to add capability windows tablets performance. Nowadays, more than 27,000 applications are already in windows app store.
In considering operating system (OS) point, you should observe the support system in own OS such as; application development availability (app store), security system, update OS, user interface quality, handling your multimedia files and documents capability, and many more.
But, in three operating systems above, actually they are the favorite OS and having great support for their costumer. So, after all that point, you can choose which in one better for you. iOS is great, Android is good consideration, and don’t missed with windows power (with its windows 8).


storage tablet

Buying tablet-PC is not good if not considering in storage.
In common conditions, tablet-PC has minimum 16 GB, average in 32 GB. but is not close the possibility that storage of tablet-PC will increase in the future.
For your attention, in using tablet-PC, make sure that you don’t use maximum capacity that tablet-PC has. It can make tablet-PC run low. If this happen, I consider to you to have additional memory to put in memory card slot and add capacity of your tablet-PC.