Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Shut Down Windows 8 Quickly With Just One Click

shut down icon
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Windows 8 is cool for use, but in the opposite of its powerful, there is minus that we still need to fix it. It is in missing start menu button. If there isn’t start menu button, we need little tricky to shut down the Windows. In previous post I give you a way how to shut down windows quickly by using Alt+F4 and now, this is the other way.
Just download this file in this blog I share. This file will you download don’t need to install. You just extract this file and it will automatically show the shut down windows and click on it to shut down your windows 8.
Happy trying.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What Should You Consider for Buying Tablet-PC? (Part I)

buying tablet-pc
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Tablet-PC is one kind of favorite gadget in the world. Mobile capability and powerful features become own attraction for this gadget. However, nowadays, if you want to buy tablet-PC you should able to consider which the better tablet-PC than the other. Having better in usage also better in price tag.
What should you consider for buying tablet-PC? Here is the answer:

Operating System

Android, iOS, and Windows are the popular operating system (OS) which be used in tablet-PC. So, you must consider what OS you need in your tablet-PC.
android tablet

Android is great choice for your tablet-PC OS, and now, as we know, there is update version in android OS. It is jelly bean. You will get easy of using this OS. With supporting many apps in Google Play app store, it will make you can choose many more application you want to be installed in tablet-PC.
Be careful in downloading application in Google Play. It is little risky. Sometimes, there is application which be embedded by malware. Before download application, you should user reviews first to make sure that what you download is good application.
apple ipad

Apple store is incredible to support application for iPad. Person who have iPad in your hand also refer higher social status. Apple products have luxury sense than the other. Exclusivity in hardware and software is the one basic different which Apple products have. Of course, include iPad.
windows tablet

Windows try to get more profit in tablet-PC market with their newest OS debut. It is Windows 8. Design which be made attempt is for more supporting touch-screen experience. Windows app store which just launched try to add capability windows tablets performance. Nowadays, more than 27,000 applications are already in windows app store.
In considering operating system (OS) point, you should observe the support system in own OS such as; application development availability (app store), security system, update OS, user interface quality, handling your multimedia files and documents capability, and many more.
But, in three operating systems above, actually they are the favorite OS and having great support for their costumer. So, after all that point, you can choose which in one better for you. iOS is great, Android is good consideration, and don’t missed with windows power (with its windows 8).


storage tablet

Buying tablet-PC is not good if not considering in storage.
In common conditions, tablet-PC has minimum 16 GB, average in 32 GB. but is not close the possibility that storage of tablet-PC will increase in the future.
For your attention, in using tablet-PC, make sure that you don’t use maximum capacity that tablet-PC has. It can make tablet-PC run low. If this happen, I consider to you to have additional memory to put in memory card slot and add capacity of your tablet-PC.

Shut Down your Windows 8 Quickly with This Way

windows 8

Windows 8 is the newest version of Windows Operating System was created by Microsoft. How quickly this OS it is spread in entirely world which it just launched months ago. Sometimes, there are Windows 8 users still strange with operational of this windows. Maybe you (reader this blog) are including in this case. There are different between Windows 8 and the older version in its operational. One of type is about shut down Windows 8.
shut down icon

As we know that windows don’t use start menu any more. So, if you want to shut down this OS you can’t use the same way with older version. Actually, there is a trick how to shut down Windows 8 quickly. How? Here we go:
Push Alt+F4 in your button keyboard. And then, it will show Shutdown Window.
shut down windows 8

Now, choose what do you want; shut down, restart, or stand by.
It is easy and quickly, isn’t it?
Next time I will show you other way to shut down windows 8 quickly. Be patient. :D